Monday, May 31, 2010


In many of my observations so far I would say that the level of LoTi I have witnessed has been level 3, Infusion. For example, the 8th grade social studies class that I was observing was working on a computer project that was generated by the teacher. The teacher had gone through a number of website and came up with specific questions for each site. The topic of this research was the Roaring Twenties. Then she gave the questions to the students, who were taken to the computer lab during class time. While in the computer lab the students need to access the websites and record the answers to the questions provided. Once they finished their research, they needed to create a powerpoint presentation on one of the topics that interested them during their research. I would say that my level of LoTi is about a 3 or 4.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Educational Philosophies Self-Assessment Outcomes

Perennialism = 11
Essentialism = 11
Progressivism = 16
Reconstruction = 16
Information Processing = 17
Behaviorism = 19
Cognitivism/Constructivism = 17
Humanism = 21

From this self-assessment I was most in favor Humanism. Humanism is a study that focuses on human values and concerns. Humanism does not only have to be viewed philosophically, it can also be viewed educationally. Humanistic education focuses on basic skills such as reading, writing and computation, as well as skills in communicating, thinking, decision-making, problem-solving and knowing oneself.
Humanistic education also helps students believe in themselves and their potential, and it encourages compassion and understanding, which fosters self-respect and respect for others. Humanistic education also focuses on basic human concerns, for example, issues throughout history and today that are of concern to human beings trying to improve the quality of life--to pursue knowledge, to grow, to love, to find meaning for one's existence. ( Students have to have a drive to learn, you can not force them to want to do well or to be interested in what you are teaching. Humanism in education can be seen as how a student will controll his or her own destiny in class. The teacher should obvioulsy motivate the students, but in the end, it us up to the student to decide how much effort they will put into the class, and I happen to agree with this. I also favored the Reconstructionism/Critical Theory statements. I believe that is the history major in me, because this category foucuses on thea analysis of world events, controversial issues and diversity to provide vision for better world and social change. These are all topics that people who are interested in history enjoy learning and talking about.

I came up with my own education philosophy statement last semester, it goes as follows:
1.I want my students to have respect for themselves and for others.
2.I want my students to appreciate diversity inside and outside of the classroom.
3.I want my students to feel comfortable in my classroom.
4.I want my students to show willingness to learn.
5.I want my student to be successful.