Monday, June 7, 2010

Digital Natives vs. Digital Immigrants

Compared to past generations, our students today are completly different in a number of ways. The most important difference deals with technology. Today's students are very technologically advanced, and the trouble with that is that the school systems are still set up to accomidate the past generations. The kids in school today are so infatuated with the digital world, but many schools are not teaching their students at this level yet. These kids are known as "Native Speakers," because they were born into this world of computers and the internt. Those who were not born with these advances are known as "Digital Immigrants." One of the biggest problems in schools are the Digital Immigrant teachers, who have little to no intrest in the digital world that their students live in. I can remember having some teachers when I was in school that were very "old school," and used the overhead projector, and literally used chalk on the board! This is not going to interest students today, and teachers must be willing to relate to their students.

1 comment:

  1. And yet we still have teachers writing on chalkboards, using large pieces of paper to write notes, and using overhead projectors! Some schools just don't have the money or the resources, and if we are to change towards being more digital, we are going to have to put more money into our education system!
